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Showing posts from 2022

hello again

 It's funny, a move spurred this blog. And a move seems to be the way in which I *may* pick it back up. For the past few years we were in a wonderful neighborhood with some amazing neighbors and not a lot of yard. We are expecting another boy on January 1st - which will make 5 boys and 1 girl. We have continued to thrive in homeschooling and I love the challenge and messiness it brings to our lives. Over the summer Greg and I made a difficult decision. With another child and homeschooling, it was time to move. It was no longer feasible to have all of our kids playing in a tiny yard in a very busy cul de sac. Additionally, pregnancy is not easy and it limits how much I can move and take them out to different activities. We decided it was time to move. October 10th was Greg's cut off date as far as my pregnancy and the move went. We ended up closing and moving on October 12th. We saw our home on a feed, but thought it was too far out. Ironically enough our