Dear future self, Here is a survival guide for you to use during Greg's night float rotations. Be forgiving. Of yourself and others. This is a rough adjustment time, and just because one day is smooth, the next two or three or four may not be. It's no one's fault. Not Ray's for going to bed late because he wanted to stay up late with Greg on his day off. Not Greg's for being exhausted. Not Jimmy's for being Jimmy. And certainly not your for being so perfect. Ha. Ha. I could just stop there, but I know you need more info. Movies and TV. It's okay to have the tv (Roku) on all day. There won't be anyone around in the evenings to help out, so just give yourself a break and know that vegging is ok. As you wean back off the kids will be miserable whiny brats and you will question this advice... trust me. It's worth it. They'd be whiny anyway. Recommended tv shows for your own sanity (not too loud or obnoxious): Nature channel, Shaun
Mud Puddles, Prayer, and Pools of Laughter