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old friends.

I've tried writing this post four times.  Just know this post was originally the size of a novella. I decided to erase it all and let the pictures do most of the talking.
Last weekend we visited friends that we hadn't seen in 5-7 years. Lost time disappeared and our time with them seemed to slow. We ate amazing food, rode waterslides (not pictured), and had wonderful conversations in Spanish and English.  The kids got along all weekend (except when Ray stole Gianna's hat).
We left feeling refreshed.
We had a blast.
I have one story to share with you.

Sunday morning after church, Ray and I stood outside looking at the statues embedded in the wall.  He mistook a rough hewn Mary for Jesus (I could understand his confusion), so I brought him back in the church to show him the huge crucifix and tabernacle... to show him Jesus.
We walked up the isle. The church was almost empty.  A woman's voice chanting ancient hymns floated above our heads, echoing off the high arched ceiling.
As we neared the front of the church, I pointed out the crucifix hanging above the tabernacle and asked, "See Jesus?"
He replied, "Yes. Look at that Christ on the cross."


Then, as if it needed explaining he continued, "Mommy, I just farted... with my butt."

I wheeled around and we headed for the exit. The angelic voice continued it's haunting melody overhead.
"Mommy, whasso funny?" Ray whispered.
"Mommy! SSSHHHH!!!"
I was cry-laughing by the time we got outside.

some people make their beds everyday...
others destroy it. Ray teaching Gianna how to play "bird nest".
playing bubbles after getting caught in the rain.
backyard soccer, with toddlers.
can you guess which ones are not like the others??
L to R: Mark, Gianna, Etel, Brad, Taresa, Philomena, Ray, me, Greg and Jimmy 
drive home sunset 
best shot of a rainbow... they're hard to capture!
Ray pretend calling Gianna, proof he had fun.
Jimmy's waiting his turn to call Philomena.


  1. Great to see you all and the little ones together xx


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