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finish line.

Get ready to exhale. We're almost done with three weeks of night float.  17 down, 1 more to go.

I'm scared to even type this, but this week has been relatively drama free for Greg. He got to exercise last night and got 4 hours of sleep.  Amazing.

And the bug guy came today. Yesssssssssss!

Yesterday I took Jimmy to a follow up appointment at the dentist's office while Greg slept here watched Ray at the house.  Jimmy and I played in the waiting room for a while where he found the largest stuffed animal he'd ever seen in his whole little life.  Jimmy loves stuffed animals. He loves snuggling and burying his whole face into stuffed animals. When Ray isn't around to wrestle, Jimmy grabs the nearest softie and body slams it, pinning it to the ground, then his whole body gets all floppy and rests for a minute on the toy... then he picks it up, walks a few steps and does it again.
Joyful. Ecstatic. Thrilling. I wish you could hear his laughter.
 he then wrapped the bear's arms around him. big. bear. hug.

They called us back and the dentist assured me that in spite of my failure to complete the required lip stretches 3-6 times a day(Jimmy is such a fighter, I've started swaddling him to just brush his teeth... and it's still a challenge), Jimmy's frenum looked great and had not reattached. We have another appointment in a few weeks to check out his cavities. 

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful.  I came home and found Ray in the dark cave sitting next to a sleeping Greg, playing on the iPad. I took the kids to "Chicken-Lay" as Ray calls it. Later we walked around the lake to feed the birds.  We went to the only poop-free zone in the apartment complex. We ran around playing tag and threw fireballs at each other and tried the little beanbag toss game. Jimmy walked and fell and walked and fell. 

Fun times all around.

PS-  Big Hero 6 has played multiple time since I started writing this post - sorry if I rambled a lot.  I discovered that even though our rental time ran out, I can pause, rewind, and play it indefinitely as long as I don't click out of the screen.  We may have it memorized by the end of the day. Now I want chicken wings with the hot sauce that makes your face melt off.


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